"We don't get unlimited chances to have the things that we want, and this I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life." - Unknown

Friday, June 15, 2012

Let's Be Honest

I'm going to be 100% honest, I'm about 1 - 2 weeks behind on all my requirements right now. I'd like to have some awesome reason about why that is, but I'm going to be honest and say that I've been completely lacking the motivation to do anything. I've been so overwhelmed with final exams, moving, and trying to focus on improving how I approach my role in the kids classes at the studio that I've had no motivation to get up and focus on myself. I started to doubt myself and I even caught myself thinking that I wanted to quit. 

Today was the last day of school and I have almost a week to prepare for my finals. I was in the middle of packing up my room when I got up, laced up my running shoes and went for a run. It completely cleared my head, and I was able to remind myself what I was doing, and why I was doing it. I felt all of the feelings that I felt on the first day that The UBBT started, and I felt all of the negative thoughts flow out of me. I think that it was the exact reset that I've been searching for for awhile. 

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