What does being a Canadian and living in Canada mean to me?
I'm very thankful to live in Canada. It's such a beautiful, independent and free place to be. I am very proud of my country.
Our freedoms, and rights are very important to me. I look at other countries where we are fighting for them to be able to have rights to their freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to vote! I am so glad that that's not the case in our Country. We have so many fair individual and collective rights, and the opportunities to exercises them. We're free to chose our government without being pressured, and intimidated by forceful, and endless campaigning. And we have a say in our government! We have the privilege to speak up when we feel something is unjust, or against what we stand for.
Canada is such a diverse country. Its nice to be able to walk around, and see the many different cultures that are formed all over Canada. There are so many different heritages and traditions to witness, and in some cases experience. We are able to be educated on what is happening in the world around us.
These things and many more are what make me proud to be a Canadian. I can honestly say that I for one cherish this country as part of my identity, and I cannot wait to celebrate Canada Day tomorrow with family and friends, and to be able to think about what it actually means to me.
I challenge everyone to ask themselves the question that is posted at the beginning of this post. And I want you to celebrate tomorrow with meaning. But most of all, have fun, and be safe =)
Happy Canada Day Everyone.
As always, your maturity far outstrips your years, sifu!